Thursday, February 11, 2010

Great day!

Last night it snowed and the lady that is picking us up while Tracey is gone is a little fearful of driving in the snow. Even though we told her that our roads were fine, she made us walk a mile to meet her at a corner of this main road! Keep in mind, that at 7:15 in the morning it is dark out and freezing!! When we got to the corner, she wasn't even there! We had to wait about 5 to 10 minutes for her! Least I can finally say that I have walked mile(s) in the snow to school, but in Europe! Try and beat that parents!

Today, all of the first grade teachers were gone for this conference...that means Lindley and I would be left alone with a sub. Sub's are never fun, so I wasn't looking forward to it. I go into class early to plan, especially since I wasn't there the day before. Luckily, Vanessa left an outline of the schedule for me. So, the kids come in and we start the morning routine. I look at the clock and it's 10:30....still no sub. I went the entire day teaching the kids by myself with no sub or anything. IT WAS FANTASTIC! The lessons went smoothly and the kids were able to whiz through their work after that because they understood the lesson. It's a good feeling. I am extremely impressed with myself. At the end of the day, the kids are to write in their agendas a few things that they did that day. I went around reading them and signing off on them. EVERY kid wrote that "Mrs. Darroch was gone today and Mrs. Sarah was here and we had so much fun!" Oh crap. They weren't supposed to say that. They were supposed to talk about how much they learned!! Oh well....beggars can't be choosers.

We arrive home and I'm last to walk in the doors. I hear Jenna go HA and point and then Whitley follows the same thing. I thought they were laughing at one of the dogs. Little did I know. I walk in and LAMBIE PIE is laying in the middle of the rug downstairs! I know I left him upstairs in bed. I rush over to him to pick him up and guess who beats me to him!! Frodo!! This big dog! He snatches him up and starts running around the room with lambie in his mouth! I'm shouting at him to drop it and he is just growling back. Lambie's life flashed before me! I could just see his cute little tail being ripped off. It was a horrific sight. Finally, Jenna grabbed his collar, Whitley grabbed his face and I grabbed Lambie out of his mouth. He was soaking and covered in dog fur. EWWWWWW. I have to sleep with him tonight like that! Everyone thought it was hilarious. Whiltey even caught the event on video. It might be funny in a few days. Right now Lambie is just scared for his life. Don't worry...Whitley got a video...!/video/video.php?v=622336979724&ref=mf

At dinner, everyone made me pray. Future reference....I'm not good at that. I couldn't think of anything serious at that moment, so I basically made a joke out of it. Except, I prayed for good things. Like Lambie's safety in this house and for us to have a good trip and not miss any flights so Dakota won't have to spend another week with us and for Tracey to come back and save of from crazy Joy who doesn't know how to drive. None of the standards like bless this food we put in our body blah blah blah. It was actually rather good.

So, tomorrow we leave for our week long holiday. You won't hear from me for a whole week. It's sad really. We will head off on a 10 hour long bus ride to Prague...ew. We will spend 2 days there and then fly to Dublin. Spend 2 days there and then fly to Rome. Spend 3 days there and then head back to Brussels.

Watch out Europe! I'm on the run!

1 comment:

  1. So ... you get a 1-month student teaching gig in Brussels, PLUS you get a week-long European holiday within that month? Must be NICE!
