Monday, February 8, 2010

Learning happens everyday...

1. Washing machines are kept in the kitchen.
2. Doors don't exist with doorknobs...outside or in. If the door shuts behind you and you don't have a're screwed.
3. Travel backpacks suck.
4. The exchange rate absolutely robs you.
5. If you don't ride a bike...well, you're a loser.
6. Apparently, it's better to swerve and take your chances hitting another car than hitting a pot hole.
7. Having a native European, that is also driving, ask 4 American girls where we are in Brussels is not a good question.
8. Interestingly enough, the question "do you have a baby" and "have you ever had a baby before" doesn't mean the same thing to some kids. Needless to say, I answered the question differently everytime.
9. Tracey trusts us enough to leave her 14 year old son with 4 girls for a week while her and Dirk are in the states for a funeral. hahahahahahhahahahaha.
10. Bronie humps anything that will stand still long enough to let her prepare herself.
11. Water is not free.
12. You have to pay to use the loo, but men can pee in urinals placed on the sidewalk. ugh. gross and not fair.
13. Spooning with Jenna really isn't that bad.
14. Sex museums don't inform you on much. They just provide free porn.

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