Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Kids here are hilarious

So, today in class I feel like loads of funny things happened. First, we were reviewing the vowels and all the kids had "a, e, i, o , u" right and then the teacher said "and sometimes...." and before any other kid shouted out the answer this little boy shouts "and K". Ummm....since when did K become a vowel! hahahahaha it was brilliant. The teacher goes "umm...I think you mean Y" and the kid just stared back at her. When we were asking what the kids learned about time, the same kid said that he learned that time=life. hahahaha how deep for a first grader. All the kids looked back at the board and were confused because they didn't seem to get that same message out of the lesson. I swear to you, these kids are amazing here. These kids are truly making me consider coming back to Europe to teach. They also think that cupid is a creepy naked man that runs around shooting people to make them fall in love.

After school, this other first grade teacher was going to take us down to the train station so we could book a train pass, but she had a conference first. Jenna and I got to talking with my teacher while we were waiting. Somehow her "ladyship" came up in conversation and she unveiled that her husband is actually the ambassador to the EU and that the house they live in was given to them by the government and that they have a full staff including, a butler, a driver, a full time chef, maids, and other people that work for them. She then passes us her number and tells us to call her anytime we want for drinks (they also get free champagne...luckies). Jenna and I then got a lesson on how ambassadors work and were taught that the US has some and they are actually neighbors with Vanessa. We had no idea that we even had people like that in the states. Let's just say that Vanessa was....well shocked that we had no idea! I hope she doesn't tell her ambassador neighbor that we had no idea that he existed. That's a little embarrassing...

We then went to the train station, which was a real fiasco. Karen offered us to take us home and cook for us. We didn't hesitate on accepting. Her house was lovely and her husband! OOOWEEEE....he is quite handsome. He is a true Belgian. Somehow, our blog came up in conversation and the fact that we might blog about them....they found that slightly creepy...oops. Karen also gave us some "predinner food". She wouldn't tell us what it was until after we ate it...that's never a good sign. I'm not very adventurous with food...so this was a huge thing for me. I ate it, and it had this ummm sweet yet weird taste to it. I wasn't quite done eating it when Karen told us that it was duck liver and onions....ummm vomit it my mouth please!!

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